Step 1
There are multiple ways to record a hike with the HiiKER app. Once you’re ready to start tracking, click on the record tab in the navigation to view the options.
Option 1
The first option in the list is to start a recording without a route to follow. By doing this we allow you to track your own route using just the map and your own navigation skills! This option is great for walking well-signed trails when you don’t have a particular route or plan you want to follow.

Option 2
The second option is to “Track a known route”. This allows you to place a known trail onto the map that you can use to guide you as you record your hike.

Option 2.1
When you select this option, we provide you with a list of nearby trails to follow. Can’t see the one you are looking for? Type it into the search bar and find it from there. Once you have found your preferred guide trail, tap it to move to the record map.

Option 3
The third option allows you to record with one of your previously planned trails as a guide.

Option 3.1
If you have previously planned some trails with HiiKER they will show up here. Select one to use as your guide while you are recording.

Option 4
The fourth option allows you to record a hike with one of your previously TRACKED trails as a guide so you can retrace a recorded hike that you liked.

Option 4.1
If you have previously tracked some trails with HiiKER they will show up here. Select one to use as your guide while you are recording.

Step 2
Time to start your hike, tap the start button to start the timer!
And now you’re recording!
To see, switch to the data page while still recording click the stopwatch button. This page shows you a more detailed view of your progress!

Step 3
To switch back to the map view, press the map icon button.

Step 4
You can pause your progress at any point with the orange pause button.
While paused you can either resume your hike with the green “Resume” button, or finish up your recording with the blue “Finish” button.

Step 5
When you click finish, enter some details about the hike and tap “Save” to save the hike to you recorded hikes list where you can check out the overview and stats of your hike!